Saturday, December 27, 2008

Letter 8

Letter 8 December 26, 2008
Balad, Iraq


Well, I hope everybody had a great Christmas. I have been pretty busy since I last wrote. The first item is that I am finally a full PhD Candidate. This means that I get to start writing the final draft of my dissertation and hopefully be granted my degree soon. This is a long road that I have been working on for about 5 years…to say that I am ready for it would be a severe understatement. The topic of my dissertation revolves around cutaneous leishmaniasis which is a parasitic disease that is endemic in this part of the World. My research is specifically within Afghanistan. However, about a month ago I saw a patient in our clinic that I diagnosed with leishmaniasis. I finally just received the pathology report from Walter Reed and my diagnosis was confirmed! It is one of the few cases in American Soldiers seen in our area of operation (AO) within Iraq. It is amazing that I saw a case of leishmaniasis here and it is my dissertation topic.

We also received our combat patches since my last letter. The combat patch is a symbol that Army soldiers wear on their right sleeve below the American flag that indicates a soldier is a veteran that served in a combat zone. We are serving under the 421st Med BN which is part of the 30th Med Brigade. They are an active duty unit that is currently located in Germany. The combat patch is seen below:

The Army has symbols in everything. The patches are no different. Everything on an Army patch has meaning. The maroon background on the patch is the Army color for medical. The snake is a universal symbol for medicine. The sword indicates combat (I am not sure of all the additional meanings with the sword). The star in the snake’s mouth is for the State of Texas (star on their flag) which is where the 30th Med Brigade originated in 1933.

The Holiday season has been…interesting. It has not felt at all like Christmas to me. I have found it hard on me emotionally this time around as I really miss my wife and kids and of course everybody back at home. The Army and our unit as tried to help ease the difficulty of being away from home. Santa came to visit us at our unit…below is his surprise visit.

This picture is taken in our MWR (moral, welfare, and recreation) room at our clinic. We even have a Christmas tree. If you look along the wall of books you will see that nothing says Christmas like an M16 rifle…it kind of makes Ralphie’s request in “A Christmas Story” for a Red Rider carbon action BB gun a little less dramatic. Santa is actually Major Romig, who does a pretty good Santa. We actually had a Christmas parade on post and he was the Santa in the Parade. I also ran in a 5K jingle run road race…this means that we had small jingle bells on our shoes while we ran….yeah, that lasted about ¼ mile and they stared flying off shoes creating a potentially dangerous obstacle course for those in the back of the pack….No…I was not in the back…ouch that hurts to all of you who immediately thought of me falling down.

The chow on Christmas was pretty good. They served us prime rib, glazed ham, and turkey…wow…here are some pictures from our chow hall.

This is our food lines. That is “fresh” meet that is being sliced for us by some locals. Again, all the decorations are a bit over the top. It was a bit surreal to have Iraqi’s or locals serving us dinner with “Merry Christmas” aprons on and “Santa hats” on especially here in Iraq. Here is a manger scene that is actually made out of bread and icing.

The sign above the manager states that the items are all made out of bread dough. It was a pretty amazing piece of food art. I look at this picture and several questions come to mind…where is Joseph? The most pressing question to me is why is there a Holstein cow at the manger…Is it for baby Jesus? Got Milk Jesus? Here is another piece of Holiday art work from our chow hall.

Reindeer and penguins…together…with palm tree leaves? Is that surreal? Wow…the stage behind Noah’s ark is where some Iraqi men performed some local festive folk dances for us. I did not get any pictures of them dancing…sorry, yes it was…interesting.

Finally, below is a picture of our “Christmas tree” here at Balad:

Balad used to be a major Iraqi air-base. This is one of the major roads on our base and the “tree” is on a round-a-bout. This is near the hospital. The road leads to one of the major gates entering our base.

The base has been pretty quiet over the past couple of weeks…well, I say that and I just heard an “all clear” over our alarm system indicating that we just had another indirect fire attack and it was ok to leave the bunkers…yet another attack that I did even know we had. We did not have any attacks over Christmas; I guess the insurgents respect the Christmas holiday. We also did have another larger attack today…not sure where the mortars landed, but it was not near our area.

We are close to one of the runways, below is a picture of an F18 taking off near our clinic.

The fighters use their afterburners once they are airborne to get altitude before they leave the security of our perimeter. The use of the afterburners is very loud. It is a pretty awesome site.

I wanted to have a picture of all of our medical staff for our clinic.

This was taken in our provider room in our clinic. From left to right: LTC O’Bannion who is our dentist is from Kentucky. Next is 1LT Welch (Butler Grad), then me, MAJ Baez who is from Massachusetts. 1LT (now CPT) McFarland in front is another Butler Grad. Behind him (blocked by CPT McFarland) is Major McPhee from Michigan. Major Romig a PA from Illinois, and finally Major Altman from Tennessee. What do you think of our new camouflage scrub tops?

Finally, I wanted to thank everybody who has sent me pictures, cards, care packages. I am overwhelmed at all the generosity. Here I am opening one of the packages that was sent:

I am in the clinic (can tell by the coffee pot)…for those that have been overseas, there is nothing like getting mail. I am sorry that I have not written to everybody, but I really want to thank everybody for all the support for my family and all your thoughts and prayers. There are simply too many people to thank. I also wanted to tell all my students that I am proud of all your hard work this semester…one more down.

I look forward to the New Year. Please keep all the soldiers in your thoughts and prayers. Please especially remember the families and NEVER FORGET why we are here and what we are doing. NEVER FORGET that we live in the greatest nation on Earth. I did almost forget; Major Romig is helping some Iraqi doctors try to set up some healthcare clinics in this area for the local population. They really have nothing. If you are thinking of sending something to us over here and not sure what to send, maybe you might consider anything medical. We are not talking about anything major, maybe a cheap stethoscope, blood pressure cuff etc. The clinics have nothing and there is not a lot of money that our State Department is willing to spend for an Iraqi clinic. You can mail it to me or directly to Major Jeff Romig. Our address is 215th ASMC/Phipps Clinic, APO AE 09391.

God bless all of you, and know that you are all in my prayers as well! Have a great New Year, and I look forward to seeing each of you in person in 2009.

CPT Mike Roscoe
(Almost Major)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Letter 7

December 06, 2008
Balad, Iraq


I hope this letter finds everybody well. Things have been pretty busy here since my last letter. The clinic is busy as usual, and I have been pretty swamped with teaching and working on my PhD. The weather has started to turn cold…it actually gets into the 50s now at night…sorry, I know it has been pretty cold back home. Thanksgiving was interesting here. It just was…off…here are some pictures from our chow hall to show you what I mean.

Nothing says Thanksgiving like a bunch of carved watermelons…especially with carvings of frogs. It was pretty amazing “fruit art” but having a local serve me fruit just didn’t feel right. Here is another picture.

This is a view back toward our serving lines. Look past Tonto and Pocahontas and you can see some more of the over-the-top decorations…”Thank S”…The food was pretty good. We had all the traditional staples of a good Thanksgiving dinner, and there really was an effort to try to give us a sense of home. However, the two mortar attacks during the day were an effective reminder that we “are not in Kansas anymore”. I think that is what makes this place so surreal. We have things like a movie theater, Burger King, a pool and….bunkers.

The world is a small place! I met up with the head of the ER at the Air Force Hospital, which is the hospital for this part of the country. Anyway, his name is COL John McGoff…six degrees of separation means that he is an ER doc with Community Hospital North and East in Indianapolis. I worked for him as a PA for several years! Even more…he was a class mate in med school with my boss at Butler, Dr. John Lucich! Can you believe that? Below is a picture of Dr/COL McGoff, me and 1LT Travis Welch (a Butler PA grad).

We of course are standing on Indiana Avenue. The large building behind us is our PX (mini Walmart type store). The large roof on it is for mortar protection. What is most amazing about this picture is that Dr. McGoff is Air Force and has his weapon on!

Anyway, I will send pictures in the next letter or two from the hospital and our clinic. Col McGoff wants me to work some shifts in the ER with him. More to do, but it would be great experience. I am not sure if you saw on the news this week about another suicide bombing in Falluja…I was in the ER when several of the patients (all Iraqi) came in…it is amazingly terrible what these blast do to the human body. The blast was of course meant to kill innocent civilians. This place is insane…it just seems that the Sunni and Shi’ites just can’t wait for us to leave so that they can get back to killing each other.

We do not get trauma in my normal clinic. We generally see “med-check” or “doc-in-the-box” type of things, but I did see four US soldiers that were in a vehicle that was a direct strike on an IED. The vehicle they were in was similar to the one in the picture below:

These are very, very, very armored vehicles. The soldiers all walked away from the blast without any injuries! This is the same type of blast that was killing our soldiers less than three years ago. It is really amazing all the things that we now have to keep our soldiers safe. Speaking of that, below is a night picture of what is known as a C-RAM. It is an anti-mortar system. It shoots down incoming mortars before they hit the ground. In this picture it is a test fire (I would not be out if it was a real attack).

It looks like a laser, but it is a bunch of large tracer rounds that are moving so quick the camera can’t distinguish the difference. It is a pretty awesome site; it is close to our clinic, so I feel a whole lot safer. It is one of the primary reason that no mortars have landed close to where I live and work.

I want to show you “Hero’s Highway”. This is the tunnel where injured soldiers are moved from the MEDEVAC helicopters into the ER.

The top picture is from the Air Ambulance entrance into the ER looking out to the landing pad. The bottom picture is from the landing pad looking toward the ER. It is very solemn, but I also felt proud of our soldiers and their sacrifices in this place.

Ok, Ok…time to lighten the letter a bit. Last week we had a USO show here on base. Aaron Tippin, a country music singer, gave us a concert. Below is a picture of the show.

We are sitting in the stands of a stadium on base. This base was an Iraqi air base before we took it over, it was also the site where the Iraqi Olympic team trained. The stage is actually on a soccer field surrounded by a track. The lights just over the American flag, in a line is actually the perimeter of the base. I guess it gives motivation for the singer to put on a good show, in that everybody (except the Air Force) is armed…gives a new meaning to “knock ‘em dead”. It was a good show; I have a lot of respect for the entertainers that are willing to come here for our soldiers.

The final part of this letter is a tribute to how God always seems to present something to me at just the right time. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything going on, I was missing my family, busy with teaching and working on my PhD, I had just gotten off a very busy shift in the clinic when I walked into our break room to find some hand knitted caps that a Church sent to us. I took a picture of the message that was sent with the hats. Anyway, I wanted to share it in my letter because I think that there are several people that need this simple message besides just me. I know that there are a lot of PA students that are feeling a bit overwhelmed right now with finals being next week. I know how hard it is for my family with me being gone…We all have a purpose that God has given to us and nobody said that our cross would be easy or light, but we have to keep moving forward and be willing and open to His plan.

Thank you everyone who has written me, sent me packages, and has prayed for me and my family. I appreciate it more than words. However, I think I have had enough Halloween candy to last a lifetime! Thank you to everyone who continues to help my family out. I appreciate it more than words can say. Please continue your thoughts and prayers for all the soldiers and their families, especially during this holiday season. Never doubt that you live in the greatest country in the World with freedoms only dreamed by others. I will hopefully have the next letter out within two weeks.

CPT Mike Roscoe

PS: If you are just receiving this letter for the first time and you want to see previous letters, please go to Additionally, my address is:

Mike Roscoe
215th ASMC/Phipps Clinic
APO AE 09391

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Letter 6

November 15, 2008
Balad, Iraq


I hope this letter finds everyone well. Sorry that this posting is a bit late but I have been swamped with my clinical duties, teaching, and trying to finish my PhD. There is a ton of topics that I wanted to cover in this letter.

I have received numerous questions regarding the reaction from the troops and Iraq regarding the election. The troop reaction is probably exactly the same as it is in the United States in that we are nothing more than a cross-section of the general population. There are those that are ecstatic and those that were upset…and every shade in-between. If you noticed during the election there were no “reactions” in the new from soldiers. There were no cameras or media allowed on our bases in Iraq. The real reason is that the head of the military is the President, and it is punishable by UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) to openly speak out against the President, President-Elect or any other public servant. We can also get in trouble for openly supporting a candidate while in uniform or on active duty. Since we are deployed soldiers, we are always on active duty with no down time. I would say that I am cautiously optimistic with a new President, but I think that people should be realistic in what he will be able to accomplish once he enters office. I have also spoken to several Iraqis here at the base. Most of the Iraqis here are Kurds and Chaldeans (very pro-US) which leads me to my next section.

In my last letter I discussed some background on the Sunni and Shi’ites. I actually did have an error that I need to correct. I erroneously mentioned that Iraq had a Sunni majority; it actually has a Shia (Shi’ite) Majority. If you recall from the last letter these are the two main Muslin religious factions that had influence form the Arab (Sunni) peninsula, and from Persia (Shi’ite). Anyway, if you were to put this into a percentage, Iraqi is about 60% Shi’ite and 40% Sunni…so it really is a crossroad (or battle ground) for these two religious sects. In simple terms, neither of these two groups particularly likes the United States. Almost all the insurgents are from these two groups. The other two groups that I wanted to discuss are the Kurds and the Chaldeans.

The Kurds are a nomadic tribal people that had a large area under the Ottoman Empire that extended into Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. The area is often known as Kurdistan (although this is often now only means the area in Northern Iraq – Iraqi Kurdistan). They compose about 17% of the population in Iraq and are mostly Muslim. They associate themselves more with their tribe then their religion. During the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s, the Kurds supported Iran, and Saddam Hussein retaliated and implemented anti-Kurdish policies and committed mass murder of hundreds of thousands of civilian and wholesale destruction of thousands of villages. (He often used chemical weapons (WMD) to complete the task…so yes they were here).

The second minority group that I want to discuss is the Chaldeans. The Chaldeans trace their heritage all the way back to around 500 B.C. and King Nebuchadnezzar II. In this time period Chaldea was a kingdom/territory. King Nebuchadnezzar conquered the Phoenicians (Syrian population) and territory of Judah (Semitic population). In keeping practice with the time he brought the King of Judah and forced a large part of the Jewish population (estimates of more than 10,000 people) to relocate to what is now North Central and Northern Iraq. On an aside King Nebuchadnezzar rebuild the city of Babylon to be the most impressive city of the day and included the Hanging Gardens of Babylon which was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Nebuchadnezzar also rebuilt the great temple-tower or ziggurat, the Biblical "Tower of Babel," ….what does this history lesson have to do with Modern Iraq? …well we are getting there.

In the first century A.D. Saint Thomas the Apostle brought Christianity (Catholicism) to the Chaldeans. This Christian population was East of Rome and was then part of the Eastern Orthodox Church. The Byzantines (Christian empire in the East) were in constant conflict with the Persians and also broke ties with the Universal Church (Roman Catholic). In 634 A.D. Muhammad conquered the entire region and brought it under Islamic rule. In the 16th century portions of the Christian population re-established ties to the Church of Rome. From this date forward those Christians in union with Rome were known as Chaldeans and the remaining Christians were known as Assyrians. Here it all is in simple terms: Chaldeans are the largest Christian population in Iraq. There are about 650,000 Catholics (Chaldeans) and about 200,000 other Christians Assyrian, Nestorian, Armenians, etc). Now, do you remember about King Nebuchadnezzar…he brought a large contingent of Semitic population to Chaldea. These Christians have maintained some of the original B.C. culture (Semitic) and actually have their own language that has a Hebrew base. We talk about this area as the cradle of life (between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers), well the Chaldeans have ties to all three major religions in the world. To say that they are persecuted by the Muslims in this part of the world is an understatement (Christian and with a Semitic heritage).

What do you think the response from the few Iraqi that I have talked to are? I have talked with two groups of Iraqis that have been heavily persecuted in the past. They are terrified that the United States is going to leave Iraq. I mentioned to a Chaldean that it was a shame that there would probably be a civil war between the Sunni and Shia when the United States left. He merely stated “good”. He said that with the US here the Muslims here have retaliated against the Chaldeans because they are easier to “pick on” then the armed Christians (US military). See the United States looks at this as a geo-political struggle. Many Iraqi’s view this as a religious “thing” almost more than a political thing. Of course the Sunni and Shia just as soon have us gone tomorrow so they can get on with fighting each other. They are happy with the prospect of the new President sending US troops home.

On election day we were received a mortar and rocket attack and had an IED at our gate…more attacks in one night then the entire week prior. However, since Obama won, we have not received any attacks. I guess they figure that they have won in a way in that the US is going to now start moving soldiers out of the cities and back to the big bases and finally out of Iraq. I guess we will find out if the overall attacks decline.

I think that is enough of the historical background. The weather has certainly changed here. It is now only in the mid 80’s during the day and gets in to low 60’s high 50’s at night. We also had a torrential rain storm and it flooded our living area. The water was so deep it was above our ankles.

This is a view from my door looking down into all our bunkers. I tried to put out a wooden pallet down at the base of my stairs so I could hop to the area on the right between the bunkers and then try to walk through the bunker to get to the clinic. The problem was that the water was so deep the pallet kept floating away. Here is another view with me standing just past the bunker in front of you at the bottom of the stairs looking left.

I think I saw a Venetian gondola go by. Each of the openings in the bunker goes to a housing unit like mine. There really was no way around the water to get to the clinic so most of us just put on chemical boots and waded through the water, trying not to cause any waves as it was almost to the top of the boots.

I took a trip to our perimeter to see what it looked like. Here is a picture of what it looks like through our perimeter fence.

It is true then that Army = plant death. Outside our perimeter is pretty lush. This is a palm tree grove. It is really pretty…it is a lot different from my experiences in Afghanistan. Here is another picture that I found interesting.

This picture is of a home just outside our perimeter. Look at all the satellite dishes. Just to the right of this picture is a herd of cattle.

One of the traditions that have developed for military is the painting of a bunker wall when a unit is leaving. Some of you have been aware that the headquarters of the 76th Brigade Combat Team, which is all Indiana National Guard, was here at this base. I am the commander of the medical company for this brigade. Anyway here is there wall; it really is an amazing piece of artwork. Understand that this was painted with crappy brushes, bad paint on a dirty bunker wall.

Each one of the crest on the right is one of the Battalions in the brigade. I am actually part of the 113th SPT BN which is the fourth one down (has the cross on it). They will almost all be home by the time you read this letter.

My last talking point is about the Air Force. They are a bit of a challenge to work with as they have different rules and protocols then all the other branches of service. They are a bit pompous. Let me give you an example…we were going to the chow hall. 1LT McFarland (Butler PA grad) just got back from the gym and did not have his weapon on him. He was not allowed to enter the chow hall because of this (we do not have to kill our foot first…just protocol), anyway right after him were three Air Force soldiers no weapons at all…they get to go in without problems. In fact the Air Force does not carry weapons on the base at all! Army, Marines always have to have ours with us. They also have areas where only Air Force go and Army is not really that welcome including gates. Additionally, getting them to assist the Army on the post for some task is like pulling teeth. Anyway, I think they are just mad that they were originally the Army Air Corps. Here is a comic strip that pretty much sums up the differences between Army and Air Force (thanks Matt):

Well, thank you for all the notes on Veterans Day. I am proud of my service, I am proud of our military, I am especially proud of all the support given to our soldiers. Given Veterans Day and the upcoming holidays:

Support our troops and their families. Every Thanksgiving and religious holiday that you enjoy with family and friends, please remember that there are literally thousands of soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen far from home wishing they could be with their families. Thank God for our military and the sacrifices they make every day.
'It's the Veteran, not the reporter who has given us the freedom of the press.''It's the Veteran, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech.''It's the Veteran, not the campus organizer, who gives us the freedom to demonstrate.''It's the Military who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.'

I think that pretty much sums up my views. Thank you everyone, NEVER FORGET. Thanks for the packages; I have shared most with the soldiers here. I am proud of my wife who is managing a house and essentially being a working single mother of four kids under the age of 12. YOU ROCK! She just recently accepted a new position at Butler University. She will be leaving Advancement and moving to the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. It was really hard for her (and me) as Advancement has been so kind and generous to us. This move however should be better for her and our family. It is just so hard to make changes sometimes. I will close this letter, please continue to pray for my family, and all the soldiers, especially as we enter the Holiday season, which tends to be rough on everybody.

Love you all!

CPT Roscoe

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Letter 5

Joint Base Balad, Iraq October 26, 2008


Well, I have finally made it into Iraq. The trip was a bit arduous in that it took awhile. In typical military fashion, we got up at 3am, drove an hour to Ali Al Salam (another base in Kuwait). We proceeded to sit in this “airport” for about 15+ hours. The reason for this long delay was the Air Force. We drove all the way out to our plane, only to find out that “their duty day was over”…meaning that the crew was done flying for the day…even though we had a scheduled flight. So we did not end up leaving Kuwait until after 2200 hours (10pm). The good news (sarcasm) is that we were able to fly in a C-130 (this is a 4 propeller cargo plane). This plane is not built for comfort as can be seen in the picture below:

What is hard to see is how tight it really is. You have to make a deal with the person sitting across from you on how to work your legs. Of course we have to be in full gear as we can take small arms fire while over Iraq. Notice the red straps on the left…these came down to form a very comfortable mesh seat for us…nice.

We finally arrived safely in Balad, Iraq with no problems. We slowly got settled into our new living quarters (I will discuss more below), met the soldiers that we are replacing and immediately got to work. The base that I am at used to be known as LSA (logistic support area) Anaconda, but is now more of an Air Force base so it is known as Joint Base Balad. It is one of the largest bases in Iraq, housing as many as 30,000 people! It is divided into East and West sections based on the runways. The base is affectionately known as “Mortaritaville” due to the high number of mortar and rocket attacks that it receives. In the past two weeks we have received numerous attacks, the sirens go off, and we get into bunkers…I think I have slept through a few…most of the time we never hear any impacts or detonations. I guess that they land on the other side of the base. Either way, we have lots of “things” here to keep us safe.

Let me show you how nice my room is…best accommodations I have had while in the Army. I have been a bit lucky as the Brigade that I am normally a part of and the soldiers that I deployed with to Afghanistan are all here on the same base…they have taken care of me and again “found” items for me to “set me up”.

Here is the inside of my room. Check out my desk and chair! I was told not to ask…so I do not ask. If I turn the camera just slightly to the left:

I have the Butler flag flying proudly in my room…thank you to everybody for signing it. When I find that I am having a hard time, all I have to do is read a few lines and it really “picks me up”. I appreciate it. Of course, I have my trusty new body armor close on its stand (another gift from the Brigade). The next picture I stepped up by my chair and essentially it is 180 degrees from the above picture.

I actually have a TV which has about 6-8 channels from the Armed Forces Network (AFN). These channels carry a variety of shows from ESPN to ABC etc. They switch and are varied. There are no commercials though…so the military makes its own commercials…I call them my daily download of brainwashing messages. I have a DVD player, a refrigerator and a microwave. I am living like a king now. The door to the room is just out of site to the right next to the big chair. I am good as long as a mortar does not come crashing through my ceiling.

If you walk out my door here is the view:

This is the back of our housing units. The concrete all makes a big bunker to protect us from indirect fire (mortars). If you go down my stairs there are more concrete bunkers inside the big housing bunker that we get into when the “Red Alert” sirens go off. This gives us some added protection. The reason that the picture is a bit grainy is that I took it during a huge sandstorm.

The first few days that we got here the temperature was Hot! There is a thermometer outside 1LT Welch’s room that read it as 120 degrees. Then we got a cold front that instead of bringing in thunderstorms it brought us a sandstorm. If you go down these stairs to the edge of the bunker and turn to your right about 120 degrees you get a view of our PX:

It may be hard to see in this picture, but the big white building is the PX (mini-Walmart type place). The white roof is actually a mortar protection structure build over it. The smaller brown building in front is actually a little food court. If you can see the three small signs on the building they are for “Cinnabon, Burger King, and Pizza Hut”

Here is the same picture during the dust storm:

The above picture was taken in the middle of the afternoon! It looks like fog, but it is literally sand and dirt. It gets in your hair, ears, mouth…pretty terrible.

I showed my room with the Butler flag, well I flew it over the base. Here is the Butler flag flying proudly over Balad:

On the bottom picture you can see all the signatures!

I wanted to take the remaining time with this letter to see if I can help make clear some of the geo-political issues here in Iraq. Below is a picture of Southwest Asia and the Middle East which includes the Arabian Peninsula between Africa and the Middle East (Persia).

First Balad is about 40-50 miles due north of Baghdad. There are two major factors at play in Iraq. The first is based on ancient geographic history. To the West (and including Iraq) the people are Arabs…being from the Arabian Peninsula. To the East is Iran, which is ancient Persia. These people are known as Persians (not Arabs). Iraq sits between these two populations and is the “crossroads” between them. The Arab influence is the red arrows coming in form Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and of course Saudi Arabia. The Persian influence comes from Iran. There are enough feelings over this Arab versus Persian that the Persian Gulf is often called the Arabian Gulf by some Arabs. Collectively this area is known as the Middle East (although technically Iraq and Iran are Southwest Asia). Afghanistan and Pakistan are actually part of Central Asia which has a large Asian influence and are thus not technically Arabs or Persians, but rather Asians. What makes this more complicated is the second feature which is Religion. The Arabs are traditionally Sunni. Most of the World’s Muslim population is Sunni ( ~90%), and the Persians are traditionally Shi’ite. In Iraq, the Sunni population is the majority and is mainly located in the central and western parts of the Country. The Shi’ites are found south of Baghdad. These two groups do not get along and essentially hate each other. The third group are the Kurds (tribal group), who are located to the North by Mosul.

What is the difference? Well, The Islam religion was founded by Mohammed in the seventh century. In 622 he founded the first Islamic state, a theocracy in Medina, a city in western Saudi Arabia located north of Mecca. The hatred between Sunnis and Muslims goes back to 632 CE and the death of Prophet Mohammad. The most critical issue following Mohammed’s death was his succession. The forbearers of the Sunnis followed the tribal tradition of having a council of elders select as the head of the Islamic community the individual most qualified to lead. The forbearers of the Shiites on the other hand believed that Mohammad’s heirs should rule the Islamic community. The conflict came to a head in the Battle of Karbala in 680 CE when the Sunnis forbearers massacred the prophet’s grandson Husayn and his followers. Gleefully, the victors carried Husayn’s head to Damascus and paraded it there. This is why for the next thirteen hundred years, there has been hatred and recurring warfare between these two sects within Islam who differ radically in their religious practices.

One can begin to see that many of the foreign fighters here have alternate agendas rather than just “anti-US”. In the Shi’ite South is a city known as Najaf, it houses the Imam Ali mosque and is considered to be the third holiest Muslim site in the World especially to the Shi’ites. Muqtada al-sadr is a Shi’ite cleric in Najaf and was a source of one of the largest resistance forces in Iraq. There is obvious tension between his Army and the new Iraq Sunni Government. Iran obviously supports Al-sadr and wants to “be a good neighbor” and build a highway to Najaf for all the Persians (Iranians, Shi’ites) to be able to get to Najaf…of course this would flood the Iraq with the Shi’ite influence and help push its “beliefs” west. The Sunni’s do not want this for obvious reasons. This may just give you a hint at some of Iran’s motivations (remember that the some of the more extreme Shi’ites want a return of the Caliphate).

Many people want the US to just leave Iraq. If we just leave, there will be a huge power vacuum and all the “arrows” will flood into Iraq…there would be a civil war between the Sunni (Arabs) and Shi’ites (Persian) with the winner gaining control of Iraq and the influence at the “crossroads”. This is why Syria and Iran have both been very interested in getting the US out as each side thinks it will gain the upper hand. The other exit strategy is to carve the country into three pieces…Sunni, Shi’a, and Kurd….the problem is that you have two religious groups and one tribal group. Also the Sunni area is mostly desert. Not so sure the other two groups would go out of their way to help the Sunni state survive (Saddam was a Sunni). The bottom line is that there really is not a good solution. The US is trying to help Iraq become strong enough with all the groups to prevent the impending civil war.

I think that I have given enough of a liberal arts lecture here, please know that this is very simplified and how I best understand the situation. Finally, I wanted to include some nice emails that I have received recently for my “shout out section”. It is essentially a prayer that was shared with me by my friend Alex Ansara, which in turn, I wanted to share with you. It is essentially two prayers. The first is a prayer that he says daily…not a bad idea:

"Look at your life. You can walk. You can talk. You can hear, see, taste, and touch. You have your family, you have great friends, a good job, a place to live, food to eat, clothes, a car, TV, internet, and the joy of music. Most importantly, as if all that isn't enough, you're healthy and you have God in your life. What the heck are you upset about???"

The second prayer:

DEAR GOD: I want to thank you for what you have already done. I am not going to wait until I see results or receive rewards; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until I feel better or things look better; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until people say they are sorry or until they stop talking about me; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until the pain in my body disappears; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until my financial situation improves; I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until the children are asleep and the house is quiet; I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until I get promoted at work or until I get the job; I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until I understand every experience in my life that has caused me pain or grief; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until the journey gets easier or the challenges are removed; I am thanking you right now. I am thanking you because I am alive. I am thanking you because I made it through the day's difficulties. I am thanking you because I have walked around the obstacles. I am thanking you because I have the ability and the opportunity to do more and do better. I'm thanking you because; YOU haven't given up on me.
Thank you again to everybody who continues to support my family, and me. I miss all of you. I almost forgot to give you my address:

CPT Mike Roscoe
Phipps TMC / 215th ASMC
APO AE 09391
Finally, never forget our soldiers, their families, and all those who serve. Never forget that we live in the greatest country on Earth. Never forget all our blessings. Please remember to vote…does not matter which side of the fence you are on, just don’t sit on it! To my PA students…keep working hard!
CPT Mike Roscoe

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Letter 4

Camp Buehring, Kuwait
October 9th, 2008


This letter opens as Charles Dickens Tale of Two Cities ”It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” The best of times was that I was able to spend 4 days with Shelby; the worst of times is the time spent here in Kuwait.

I will keep this letter in chronological order and start with my leave time that I was able to spend with my wife. My leave started with a day trip into Seattle. We went on a walking tour of the Seattle underground. I love trivial knowledge so let’s take a moment and share what I learned. Seattle at the end of the 19th century had a large fire and had a serious sewage problem as it is basically at sea level on an island. They decided to rebuild first, then “fill in” dirt around all the buildings. So when they rebuilt the city they made all their entrances in the 2nd and 3rd floors depending on what block the building was located. This was accomplished by placing large concrete barriers at the edge of the street and letting dirt fill in the “gaps”. The tour actually let us walks on “old” side walks between the barriers and the old buildings (underground). It is hard to explain, but it is pretty cool.

I think this area of Washington is beautiful, although the humidity is high enough that it rains a lot. It is not really rain, but more like a mist, something that you would see at the supermarket in the vegetable section. This high humidity coming off the ocean tends to get caught on the Cascades [mountains]. This creates the ever present gray clouds, rain, and thick fog. The picture below shows this effect as we were driving into Seattle.

The picture is a view of downtown Seattle. There are numerous other skyscrapers, but they are occluded by the clouds/fog. Most of this was burned off as the sun came up. After our day in Seattle we went north to Anacortes, Washington which is about as far North as you can go and not be in Canada. This was a beautiful sleepy area that just happened to have a motorcycle rally going on when we were there. Here are a few pictures of Anacortes.

This is a picture of deception point which is a bridge that spans between Fidalgo island (where Anacortes is) and Whidby island. The water flows between that gap at about 17 knots (fast current). I actually tried to make a video for my physiology class showing how flow can have a high velocity (in the middle), but with reduced volume (laminar flow)…I am really dorky, as I can not seem to turn off the teaching gene. Here is another picture of the bridge, it actually gives a hint at the velocity of the current.

It is hard to demonstrate the beauty of the tree-lined cliff face with against the ocean, but it is a magnificent view. The picture below I included because I promised my wife…she was fascinated by the seals.

The seals are in the middle, if you look close you can see them lying on the rocks. I almost got in trouble when she grabbed me to show them to me…I said something to the effect of “yeah, their seals” (maybe with a less then enthusiastic voice)…I felt a tremor in the force as Shelby began to get irritated and I quickly made a recovery of fascination at them just lying there and how it would be nice to just be able to lay around…I think it worked…well at least until she reads this letter. Here is Shelby and I at a nature part at the base of deception point.

It was so nice to be able to spend some time with my wife before I left, it was very hard though to say goodbye again, and I wish I could have spent some time with my kids. Sometimes, you just wonder if you have said everything that needs to be said to those you care about…it just seems that words often fail. I feel that way with everybody that is currently helping my family…thank you…it just does not carry the emotion of my feelings.

Well from the best of times to the worst of times…Shelby had to return to Indy, and almost immediately we prepared to move to Kuwait. Here I am at the Air Force terminal getting ready to leave.

“No liquids please, you will need to throw that away…but you can keep your sidearm.” We flew on a commercial aircraft from essentially Tacoma, Washington to Bangor, Maine. This flight took about 6 hours. In Bangor we were greeted by about 20+ veterans who were there to cheer for us and shake our hands as we entered the private terminal. These guys have not missed a military flight in 5 years. It actually brings tears to my eyes writing about it as they ranged from WWII to Vietnam (the most numerous). They came in the middle of the night just to greet us…to make us feel special. I did not know what to say, especially to the Vietnam vets, who are working so hard to make sure what happened to them does not happen to us. To any Vietnam vets (and all other vets) I thank you for paving the way for all of us, and your service…Thank you dad, Uncle Greg, Dr. Hatcher, Uncle Walt (gone, but not forgotten!)…and all others! There is no “shout out” good enough for all of our past veterans, especially those veterans that came in the middle of the night in Bangor, Maine just for us.

From Bangor, Maine we flew across the Atlantic to Leipzig, Germany. Here is was a bit cold, but we stayed only long enough to fuel the plane. This leg took about another 6 hours. So, we are at about 12 hours of flight time and counting. From Germany, we flew into Kuwait City, Kuwait. This was another 5+ hours…that puts total flying time at about 17.5 hours…too bad I do not get frequent flyer miles…at least I did not get any blood clots. The disorienting thing was that Kuwait is 7 hours ahead of Indianapolis (10 from Fort Lewis), so with the flying time and time change we lost a complete day! From Kuwait city, we were put on a bus, and drove about 2 hours into the middle of the freaking desert to arrive at the 5th ring of hell known as Camp Buerhing, Kuwait. Here we have daily temperatures above 100 degrees (but it’s a dry heat) and just sand everywhere. To add to the experience check out the wonderful living conditions that the Army has supplied for us…no Air Force quarters here..

My bunk is the bottom right bunk/cot is in the foreground on the right. It is hard to tell but along both walls are cots that are about 6-12 inches apart. It is terrible! At least we do have air-conditioning. To all my PA students you will learn about communicable diseases, they often will talk about “Army barracks” etc….this is why we get sick. Love the Army!

This base is literally in the desert, so everything on the base gets delivered, including all the water. We get a daily total amount of 15 gallons of water per soldier. Below is our shower (and personal hygiene) area.

The big “tubs” at the end hold the water. When the water is out, it is out for the day. The latrines are all “port-a-jons”. The Army has attempted to help us feel at home, so we do have an MWR (moral, welfare, and recreation) area known as the Oasis. Here is a picture of one of the sides of the oasis (it is a boxed in area).

Ahh, just like home…nothing makes you want to eat Taco Bell like 110 degree temperature in the blowing sand. To the right of this picture is a Green Bean coffee (like a Starbucks) and a stage. Then on the other side (opposite these buildings) is the Great Steak and Potato company, a little internet cafĂ©, and honestly a Harley-Davidson dealer…seriously. You can buy them here and pick them up in the States. The other night Scott Stapp (head singer of Creed) played at the base.

We have done some training while here in Kuwait. We went way out into the middle of the desert…seriously…to the point that all you could see was a sea of sand and fired our weapons. I did not take my camera but we did run across a herd of camels (20+), we had to make sure they did not enter the range area. I also walked to the edge of our camp to see what the perimeter looked like…here you go.

There is a fence row beyond the barricades. It has motion sensors…but beyond the lights…desert…more desert…desert as far as you can see. It is like the prison without walls. Two days ago we had a small sand storm here. It was blowing pretty bad, and it literally hurt to be outside with the little pebbles flying through the air.

I almost forgot; guess what…we got new body armor! This stuff is actually much better. It has a pull cord that literally lets the body armor fall off. This is most excellent if we have to treat an injury. It is also much lighter then the old body armor. It only weighs about 30-33 pounds with the plates in! Of course, I still have to carry the old body armor in my bags…cool.

The final picture just shows how geeky I really am.

This is sunset from the edge of my tent. I think I saw a sand speeder and obi-wan-kanobi go flying past being chased by Jawas. Just look at the picture and cue Star Wars music with Luke looking out over the moister farm. I think this place sucks more then Tatoonie…see I am a big geek.

Today…it is blazing hot…I am sure well above 100, but I do not have a thermometer. It almost takes your breath away when you first step outside, and of course…instant sweat. You can imagine that my tight living quarters above is beginning to smell a bit rank. I am counting the days down until I get to go to Iraq, which must be the ultimate plan of the Army. However, living in these conditions has made me realize just how lucky I am to be an American and have all the freedoms that we have. I just happen to receive an email that I think sums my thought process of this. Apparently, it is from David Letterman, and I will include it below:

' As most of you know I am not a President ush fan, nor have I ever been, but this is notabout Bush, it is about us, as Americans, and itseems to hit the mark. 'The other day I was reading Newsweek magazine and came across some Poll data I found rather hard to believe. It must be true given the source, right?The Newsweek poll alleges that 67 percent of Americans are unhappy with the direction the country is headed and 69 percent ofthe country is unhappy with the performance of the President. In essence 2/3 of the citizenry just ain't happy and want a change. So being theknuckle dragger I am, I started thinking, 'Whatare we so unhappy about?''

A. Is it that we have electricity and running water 24 hours a day, 7 Days a week?
B. Is our unhappiness the result of having air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter?
C. Could it be that 95.4 percent of these unhappy folks have a job?
D. Maybe it is the ability to walk into a grocery store at any time and see more food in moments than Darfur has seen in the lastyear?
E. Maybe it is the ability to drive our cars and trucks from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean without having to present identification papers as we move through each state?
F. Or possibly the hundreds of clean and safe motels we would find along the way that can provide temporary shelter?
G. I guess having thousands of restaurants with varying cuisine from around the world is just not good enough either.
H. Or could it be that when we wreck our car, emergency workers show up and provide services to help all and even send a helicopterto take you to the hospital.
I. Perhaps you are one of the 70 percent of Americans who own a home.
J. You may be upset with knowing that in the unfortunate case of a fire, a group of trained firefighters will appear in moments and use top notch equipment to extinguish the flames, thus saving you, your family, and your belongings.
K. Or if, while at home watching oneof your many flat screen TVs, a burglar or prowler intrudes, an officer equipped with a gunand a bullet-proof vest will come to defend you and your family against attack or loss.
L. This all in the back drop of aneighborhood free of bombs or militias raping and pillaging the residents. Neighborhoods where 90% of teenagers own cell phones and computers.
M. How about the complete religious, social and political freedoms we enjoy that are the envy of everyone in the world?
Maybe that is what has 67% of you folks unhappy. Fact is, we are the largest group of ungrateful, spoiled brats the world has everseen. No wonder the world loves the U.S., yet has a great disdain for its citizens. They seeus for what we are. The most blessed people in the world who do nothing but complain about what we don't have, and what we hate about the country instead of thanking the good Lord we live here. I know, I know. What about the President who took us into war and has no plan toget us out? The president who has a measly 31 percent approval rating? Is this the same president who guided the nation in the dark days after 9/11? The president that cut taxes tobring an economy out of recession? Could this be the same guy who has been called every name in the book for succeeding in keeping all the spoiled ungrateful brats safe from terrorist attacks? The commander in chief of an all-volunteer army that is out there defending you and me? Did you hear how bad the President is on the news or talk show? Did this news affect you so much, make you so unhappy you couldn't take a look around for yourself and see all thegood things and be glad? Think about it......are you upset at the President because he actually caused you personal pain OR is it because the 'Media' told you he was failing to kiss your sorry ungrateful behind every day. Make no mistake about it. The troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have volunteered to serve, and in many cases may have died for your freedom. There is currently no draft in this country. They didn't have to go.They are able to refuse to go and end up with either a ''general'' discharge, an 'other than honorable'' discharge or, worst case scenario, a''dishonorable' ' discharge after a few days in the brig. So why then the flat-out discontentment in the minds of 69 percent of Americans? Say what you want but I blame it on the media. If it bleeds it leads and they specialize in bad news. Everybody will watch a car crash with blood and guts How many will watch kids selling lemonade at the corner? The media knows this and media outlets are for-profit corporations. They offer what sells, and when criticized, try to defend their actions by 'justifying' them in one way or another Just ask why they tried to allow a murderer like O.J.Simpson to write a book about how he didn't kill his wife, but if he did he would have done it this way......Insane! Turn off the TV, burn Newsweek, and use the NewYork Times for the bottom of your bird cage.Then start being grateful for all we have as country. There is exponentially more good than bad. We are among the most blessed people on Earth and should thank God several times a day, or at least be thankful and appreciative.' 'With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mudslides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing upthe country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks, 'Are wesure this is a good time to take God out of thePledge of Allegiance?'
David Letterman

We do live in the greatest country on Earth, I just think that we forget this sometimes. Living in these conditions here in the outer ring of Hell, makes me realize all the blessing that I have in my life and how much better we have it then many others. I will spend my time here and in Iraq and I will defend our way of life, and hopefully help others experience what it means to be free. Just remember to pray for all the soldiers as they are willing (volunteering) to defend our freedoms and keep our families safe. All of them are willing and accept the risk of the ultimate sacrifice. Finally, I need to add my shout out section. First, Susan O’Reilly, thank you for all the help with childcare for my 4 kids. Second, thanks to Jenn Timpe for helping to arrange weekly meals for my family for the year…and all the moms taking time from their families to help cook for mine. Wow, how can words express my feelings toward taking care of my wife and kids? Third, Paul Fulkerson-Bird for drawing the short straw with the STA Men’s club…he came over and Shelby put him to work doing yard work and a thousand chores…again, thank you for taking care of my family (to all the STA men’s club). All the 7th and 8th grade STA kids who have been doing service hours by spending time with my kids and helping them with homework and babysitting. Finally, thanks to Dr. Lucich for helping with my Physiology class with my virtually non-existing internet connection here is Kuwait (you are a true mentor). With all the last minute lectures and class preparations thank-you…thanks PA1s for your patience with me (and the grading). I know I missed many shout outs but thanks to all those I missed …thank you and I love all of you! Keep your prayers flowing, and never forget our soldiers and their families…and vote J…after you do your research…

CPT Mike Roscoe

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Letter 3

Fort Lewis, WA
September 24, 2008

Hello Everyone:

I cannot believe that is has been 2 weeks already since I last wrote. It is hard to describe the phenomenon of “ground hog day” when deployed. I honestly have all but lost track of what day of the week it is. Everyday is the same day…we get up at the same time, put on the same clothes, eat the same stuff at breakfast, do a similar event during the day, eat the same stuff at dinner, go to bed, and repeat.

I received multiple emails from people asking me what my opinion is on the current Presidential election, as many want the opinion of a soldier getting ready to go overseas. The truth is that the soldier’s viewpoints are as diverse as the general population. They run from the far left, to the far right and everything in-between. Honestly, I wish I had an answer that worked for everybody, but the one thing that I can say is to vote. I am willing to risk my life, and thousands of soldiers before me have already died so that we may have this freedom. I was in Afghanistan during its first ever free election and the risk of getting killed was very high for the locals who voted...more than 95% of the country voted in spite of the risk...they wanted to feel that freedom. We should not take it for granted. I feel very strongly about who I am going to vote for, but it comes from research on the topics. I suggest finding the platforms of the candidates, find 5 or more topics that are important to you and form your opinion then look at the platform positions. Make your informed decision based on the issues, not based on media, friends, how they speak, etc. Make it based on what you know, not on what you think you know! There are lots of websites that will have the platforms, just make sure that the site is not biased. I like as a neutral site.

Did you know that it is actually against the Uniform code of military justice (UCMJ) for a soldier while “on duty” or in uniform to speak on politics…endorse a candidate/speak against the President. Next time during the State of the Union address, watch the soldiers (Joint Chiefs) with their applause…it is only on non-partisan issues.

Many of you reading this were “with me” during my first deployment, and/or followed the entire process with baby Qudrat. I spoke with Stacia Mathews (Channel 6, WRTV in Indianapolis, IN, and she just finished a follow-up story on Qudrat and his family. I thought I would include some of her email to me in this letter:

"Last Friday I did a follow up story about Hakim Wardak [Qudrat’s father] and all that has resulted from that initial exam, medical journey and Hoosier generosity.
Jim Graham told me Hakim, Tasbara [Qudrat’s mother] and their youngest daughter moved back to his village in Northern Afghanistan. He used the money Hoosiers gave to give back to his community.He went back to college for two years. Then he opened a school (shaded by thicket only) that's attended by 120 kids ... 40% are girls.He teaches in the morning and runs a medical center in the afternoons.Rotarians bought land to build a well for fresh drinking water.Right now women walk a mile to the nearest river for water, but it'scontaminated and Hakim has been treating children with cholera.Rotarians are trying to collect more money to build a school house sothe kids will have class indoors.What we didn't know is that Hakim had eight kids before Qudrat.Jim said he was too ashamed to tell us how poor he was; the familyseparated to keep from starving to death. He was able to reunite with six of them.Right now it's too expensive to move to Indy, but Graham hopes Hakimwill be able to come back for a visit.He could have kept that money for himself, but he didn't.It's an incredible story."

I wanted to add a few comments to Stacia’s update that I think is hard to fully grasp. The poverty in Afghanistan is beyond comprehension. The World Health Organization has listed Afghanistan as one of the 5 poorest nations in the World. Hakim was given a huge amount of money by their standards, and could have easily used it for his personal gain and for his family. He did not, as he understood that it was the generosity of the Americans that tried to save his son, and help his family. Look at the “butterfly” effect that has taken place simply because I chose to treat him when he came to our gate….then all the people (Americans/Hoosiers) that have been involved after the initial visit that has lead to the above. This is what our country is all about! This is the America that I defend, the greatest and most compassionate country on the Planet. Thank you Stacia for the update and please let me know if you hear anything else and I will keep everyone on this blog “informed”.

The big news for this letter is that we have finished all our official training before we make our move into Iraq. The past two weeks, our training cycle has increased dramatically. Most of our training has been with infantry tasks, but what is interesting with this training versus when I deployed 4 years ago is the more realistic situational training. The U.S. has employed many Iraqi’s and brought them to various mobilization sites. We encounter them in various “training lanes”. We have to use our interpreter, and work with them as we would overseas. The picture below shows how fast and chaotic events can occur. The first picture was at the gate to our base. The group of “locals” are protesting the fact that we increased our searching of their village, which is just outside our FOB (Forward Operating Base). The reason for our increased movement was that insurgents have been moving into the area and mortaring our base.

The villagers were chanting, and protesting. Of course most of them were armed. Suddenly, mortars started going off and our base started taking small arms attacks. The picture below is some of the chaos the ensued.

This was just after a mortar landed close to the civilians. Obviously, some of them were hurt. What made it real was the blank ammo, the “actors” playing their part. Look at the lady in the middle holding her baby. She is yelling as her husband was injured. She is holding a baby that is loudly crying (it had a speaker). Our soldiers were trying to get to them on the other side of the wire, but there was a sniper that had a line of site just outside the truck and wall. Additionally, there are injured locals in the way to pull the gun-truck out to suppress the sniper…what to do. Of course, while our soldiers are trying to figure this out, mortars are going off, and small arm fire is coming from the village. This picture is actually taken from a guard tower that is firing at the sniper position. It makes me anxious just writing about it, but this is what our soldiers are facing and the training really has been very good to help us deal with impossible situations.

Here is Baji village from the same tower that took the pictures above. If you look closely you will see a foot patrol entering the village on the right. We of course are worried about taking fire from the large Mosque, as we are not allowed to engage that building. Look at the all trees! It really is actually very pretty here.

Below is a scenario that we set up a quick traffic control point to screen some vehicles and personnel. Again, these were real Iraqi citizens and they spoke Arabic, and we actually had to use our “terp” to speak with them.

Below is a picture of Mount Rainier. It is taken from our training area at Fort Lewis. The picture does not do it justice, but it is a pretty amazing site, especially with all the trees.

We finished the infantry part of our training with a lot of convoy operations. This was all with gun trucks (Humvees with large weapons in the turrets). This training was very good, and it is an amazing experience to be in one of these trucks when it is firing live ammunition. It is amazing at how fast one can become desensitized to mortars, and the sound of gunfire.

The last 3-4 days we have been doing our medical training, and simulation of clinic operations. This involved general sick call all the way to mass casualties with critical injuries. All the patients, even the simple sick call patients were moulaged. The make-up was so well done that I almost forgot that they were not real patients. They stressed us as much as possible and it was actually fairly difficult. Just know that the soldiers are being trained well, they are learning how to fight with deadly force, but at the same time provide compassion.

Tomorrow starts our four day pass before we are shipped overseas. I am excited to finally get to see my wife, but it is also hard as I do not get to see my kids. Additionally, I have to say good-bye again which is always difficult, especially, when you know that this good-bye is it for a very long time to come. We did just receive the news a few days ago that it looks like we are going to get our two weeks of leave while we are over there.

I think I am going to end my blog with a “shout out” section. First, I have to give kudos to my PA1 students for enduring several lectures with mortars going off in the background. That is the level of my dedication to teaching! I want to also thank a specific anonymous PA1 student who sent me a note in the mail that I appreciated more than words can say…thank you, I appreciate your words, prayers and encouragement. Thank you to the Sundance spa guy for helping my wife with my large outdoor bathtub (I would call it a hot-tub but it does not seem right with 4 Barbie dolls, a snorkel, and plastic fish floating in the water. Finally, thank you to everyone who has brought foot and helped with my kids…and dogs. I know that I have forgotten many, but I will “get you next time”

Finally, never forget our soldiers and their families. Never forget the sacrifices of a few for the freedom of many. Never allow anybody to let you think you do not live in the greatest country on Earth. Do not ever lose faith or trust in America, we have always prevailed. Be proud of your country. Please remember my family in your prayers, and throw a thought and prayer my way (and for the soldiers) if you think of it. My next letter should be from Kuwait.

Captain Mike Roscoe